Cloud Accounting
Stay compliant across the board
Having trouble staying tax compliant? Cloudmeb keeps you on track to meet all government deadlines and increases your visibility into your numbers.
Stay compliant across the board
Our accounting services keep you on top of all government deadlines related to corporate and registered business tax, including: • Dividends • Provisional accounts • Corporate tax returns, registered business / self-employed returns • Business audits
Develop a steady reporting rhythm
By reviewing how often you currently report sales tax, remittances, and provisional accounts, Cloudmeb can deter which reporting periods are best for you. Simply put, that equals lower fees and more money to dedicate to growing your business.
Settle the score between salary and dividends
Here’s one we get from a lot of our clients: Which is better for my business — salary or dividends? The answer: Cloudmeb’s analysis of your financial situation will guide you in the right direction, so you can strike a balance that will keep bucks in your pocket.
Onboard your business to new technology
Our dedicated bookkeepers will help you convert from your dusty, old desktop financial software to cloud technology that will give your business an edge and bring you into the current year.